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About JCSS


Scarecrow Madness takes place during the fall (October) in Johnson County, Indiana. The idea came from Chester, New Hampshire, where they have sold over 1,200 scarecrows in 12 years! 


You buy a scarecrow face and wooden stake. Once you have purchased your scarecrow or multiple scarecrows,  take it home and let your imagination run wild! After being decorated, you need to POST your scarecrow to the Scarecrow Madness Facebook page with your display name and display address to be added to the interactive map on this website.  The map shows the location of each scarecrow display! People can drive around and look at the many scarecrows and our amazing county.  You will also be added to our contest to win prizes for the best of Residential, Business and Non-Profit/Church/School/Fire-Police/Club different categories.  And BEST OF SHOW!!


In the first year, there were 141 Scarecrows out. In 2020, there were 196 Scarecrows sold! In 2021, there were 225 Scarecrows all over Johnson County! Together, that's over 550 Scarecrows in just 3 years! 


In 2022, we will have MULTIPLE locations all over the county to pick up  and pay for your Scarecrow and pole!  the price will still be $25.00 @. (A custom painted face will be an extra $25.00.)

Information on where the funds go.

In 2019 & 2020, Jeanie Cole, Realtor and head of her own real estate team; prepared the event all on her own and was pleased to donate over $6,000 of proceeds from the Scarecrow Madness fundraiser to Johnson County Senior Services!  The monies helped JCSS get in their new facility in 2021!

As the fundraiser grows, Jeanie and her team of assistants realize they need more help to prepare!  HELP!!!

In 2020, the Greenwood Tri Kappa ladies volunteered over 50 hours to help Jeanie Cole Realty Team get prepared for the Scarecrow Madness Season. They tirelessly painted burlap heads and assisted!  They took no money for the help!

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In 2021, the Greenwood Tri Kappa Delta Lambda Chapter is helped Jeanie Cole and her Team to prepare & stage the 2021 Scarecrow Madness October fundraiser. Portions of the proceeds went to Greenwood Tri Kappa in appreciation for their hard work in 2020 & 2021!  $500.00 of the proceeds went to Johnson County Senior Services to help the Seniors in need!

Scarecrow Madness is an informal non-profit, and typically very small fundraisers with gross receipts under $5,000 can operate without 501(c)(3) status. Donations to these fundraisers/organizations are tax-deductable even the non-profit does not hold tax exempt status.

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